

A very full fridge!

A very full fridge!

Oh hey!

I didn't have much time this week, because I had a lot to accomplish on my day off. So I hit the freezer, and bought some fruit... two of my favorite shortcuts!

Here is what I've prepped this week!

Check out the individual posts for details about what groceries I had on hand versus what I had to buy. Here are the grand totals, including gnocchi as well as the fruit and cheese snacks!

Total monies spent for the entire week of meals: $44.03

Average monies: $6.29/day

I almost got everything done that I needed to do today, including putting some of that mushroom gnocchi in my face. Happy me!

Curry-Spiced Carrot and Cauliflower Soup

Curry-Spiced Carrot and Cauliflower Soup

Gnocchi with Mushroom Ragu

Gnocchi with Mushroom Ragu