Who Am I And What is This All About?


Hello and welcome!

For the past 15+ years, I have had one day off every week to keep my life together. I am a stage manager for theater (mostly), and for the bulk of my career, my standard work week has been 6 days/60 hours. For 5 of those years, I was on tour, moving from city to city. I love my work, but eating well and on the cheap has been a challenge.

Early on, I decided it was worth facing this challenge and I've solved it with a regularly-evolving routine that keeps me happy, healthy, and fed.

When I don’t have to run out during my meal break, I don’t have to decide in the moment where I’m going that’s close to work, suit up for the weather, decide what I want on the way, stand in a long line, overpay for my food, and then race back to work and hopefully wolf down my meal in time. Instead, I get to look forward to a meal I know is delicious, stay inside when it’s snowing, maybe stand in line for the microwave for a few minutes, and then enjoy what I know is a healthful, economical, tasty meal with plenty of time to digest it. Problem solved.

Want to know more? Check out: The Long Hello, How Do I Pick Me Meals?, and What A Week Can Look Like.