

Classic (Just Bacon-y Enough) Corn Bread

Classic (Just Bacon-y Enough) Corn Bread

I'm a bit of a geek for cornbread. I like it with jalapenos, with honey, or with raspberry jam. I like it in the shape muffins or quickbread or cake.  It's a versatile, always tasty treat.

This week, I went super classic. This week, I am committed to simplicity.


I started with Mark Bittman's Cornbread recipe, but made a few streamline-y, tasty changes: no buttermilk (even though I can doctor up Lactaid into buttermilk when I want to, I didn't want it for this because I was cutting the sugar), no sugar. Bacon fat instead of butter. Sounds great, right?

Here's the nutritional breakdown from Fitbit...

Groceries I had on hand... (all of them!)

  • bacon fat
  • corn meal
  • flour
  • salt
  • baking powder
  • eggs
  • milk

Groceries I had to buy... (none of them!)

Total monies spent for the entire recipe: $0

Total monies spent for each of these 6 snacks....

$0 per meal...


Surprise.... corn bread is insanely easy! Even when you're adding fresh veggies - jalapenos or fresh corn or whatever!

I put the bacon fat into a cold skillet, then put the skillet in the oven while it preheated. I was done mixing the batter by the time the oven had come up to temperature. Half an hour later, it was done and cooling on the counter.

Corn Bread, I would never want to quit you.

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