

Better for the writing to go than the cooking, amiright?

Better for the writing to go than the cooking, amiright?

My friends!

I guess, well, I am sorrynotsorry, if you please.

Work has been completely insane. We are in the thick of a run with a long show and a lot of understudies to get up-to-speed plus all the cross-training one must do. Oh, and in my "spare time," I've been training for my next show. Oh, and it's Benefit season, so my "days off" are days "on." So, you know, the first thing to go (as suspected) was the writing. But not the food prep. Oh no. Not the food prep...

It has been a delicious bunch of weeks, if I'm being honest! And though I may not get to writing about these things for a while, I thought I might do some catching up on what the last few weeks have looked like.

Without any further ado...

Here is what this week has looked like:

  • breakfasts: smoothies with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, ginger, and greek yogurt
  • lunch/dinner: pasta fagioli
  • lunch/dinner: "cheater" eggplant parm - eggplant and cherry tomatoes tosses with sauce, aromatics, mozzarella, and parmesany-panko then baked (based on this NYT recipe)
  • lunch/dinner: one of my favorite sandwiches - sourdough with avocado, black olives, alfalfa sprouts, and swiss cheese
  • snacks: granny smith apples (back on track, because as you'll see below, I've been eating ALL THE OFFICE SNACKS EVER)

Last week:

  • breakfasts: avocado toast
  • lunch/dinner: turmeric-miso soup with udon, turnip, and shiitakes (from this Food52 recipe)
  • lunch/dinner: mayo-less anti-pasto pasta salad with shells, chicken sausage, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, sauteed zucchini, pepperoncini, and a balsamic vinaigrette
  • lunch/dinner: a calzone from the freezer, and some meals out with friends
  • snacks: yogurts

The week before that:

Four weeks ago:

And we're all caught up! Hopefully soon, I will get back to my process posts. Until then, know I'm still planning and eating well!

Late posting again, but full of yummy food this week

Late posting again, but full of yummy food this week