Ham, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches
I look forward to breakfast sandwiches every time I go back into rehearsal mode. I delay it for a couple of weeks, and then bam! just when I most need it, it's time. Last week's waffles were heaven, and when yesterday morning rolled around and I ate the last one, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I would miss them. But I know myself well enough to know that if I made them again this week, I would be bored by Wednesday and trapped 'til next weekend. So, boom! It's Breakfast Sandwich Week, to pick me up from the post-waffle blues.
Breakfast sandwiches can be anything, but I went for the classic this week: Canadian bacon, American cheese, and egg on an English Muffin. No fancy spinach or prosciutto or onion jam for me this time around. Just a good old fashioned straight-forward sandwich. It's a classic for a reason.
Here's the nutritional breakdown from Fitbit...
Groceries I had on hand...
- cooking spray
- eggs
Groceries I had to buy...
- English muffins ($4.49)
- Canadian bacon ($4.69)
- American cheese ($2.99)
Total monies spent for the entire recipe: $12.17
Total monies spent for each of these 6 breakfasts....
$2.03 per meal...
The only thing to cook is of course the eggs, and I learned a trick a couple of years ago that is amazing... crack an egg into a ramekin coated with cooking spray, break the yolk, and toss it (don't actually toss it) in a 350F oven for 20 minutes until the yolk is set: you now have an English muffin shaped, cooked egg for your breakfast sandwich.
I have four ramekins (for panna cotta and creme brulee, natch), so I do my sandwich eggs in two batches of three. Then all that's left to do is all the sandwiches!

In the morning, I'll put a sandwich on a plate, zap it in the microwave for a few seconds to melt the cheese and warm it all up, and my dog will promptly sidle up into my face begging for a bite. He won't get one... these are for me!